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思培 > 思培口语:Task 5 对比说服

思培口语:Task 5 对比说服

2021-09-28 思培 阅读


思培,全称为Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program. 思培考试适用于加拿大的移民和入籍,相比于雅思考试,更侧重于生活和加拿大的风土人情。思培分为移民(General Test)和入籍(General LS Test)两种考试。入籍思培考试只需完成听力和口语,移民则需要完成听说读写四项。








Task 5

Comparing & Persuading



Preparation Time: 60 Seconds


Response Time: 60 Seconds  


You work at a toy store. Your boss wants employees to start wearing uniforms. There are two choices. Using the pictures and information, choose the option that you prefer. In the next part, you will need to persuade your boss that this is the best choice.


If you do not choose, the computer will choose one for you. You do not need to speak for this part.


● First choice
Polo Shirt and Pants

-two pieces

-professional and tailored

-light blue top, black pants

● Second choice
Red Waistcoat, White Shirt, White Pants

-three pieces

-light weight


Your boss is suggesting another uniform. Persuade her that the option you chose is more suitable by comparing the two.

● Your co-worker's choice

Castle Guard Uniform
- eight-pieces
- metal helmet
- leather boots made in England



● Your Choice

Polo Shirt and Pants
-two pieces

-professional and tailored

-light blue top, black pants





CLB 9分回答 


Dear boss! Your choice seems very classic and stylish, but to be honest with you, I don’t think it’s a good choice for working at a toy store! I mean it’s too formal for a toy store! It might be suitable for people working at a historical museum, but surely not for a toy store where kids are supposed to frequent!


Another catch is the castle uniform has got 8 pieces, a metal helmet, and English leather boots, so this outfit must be expensive and heavy. A person working in a toy store needs to be nimble to get by easily while this outfit is uncomfortable and cumbersome. On the other hand, a polo shirt and pants are pretty comfy! You can move around easily! Besides, this style is still trendy especially because it’s professionally tailored! I think it totally agrees with a suitable dressing code for a toy store.


Lastly, light blue is a happy color! and it’s definitely what we need when we meet those cheerful frolic kids.  


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