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思培 > 思培口语:Task 7 表达观点

思培口语:Task 7 表达观点

2021-09-28 思培 阅读


思培,全称为Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program. 思培考试适用于加拿大的移民和入籍,相比于雅思考试,更侧重于生活和加拿大的风土人情。思培分为移民(General Test)和入籍(General LS Test)两种考试。入籍思培考试只需完成听力和口语,移民则需要完成听说读写四项。






Task 7
Expressing Opinions



Preparation Time: 30 Seconds


Response Time: 90 Seconds  



Answer the following question.


Question: What kind of problems might occur when grandparents, parents, and children all live together?


Explain your reasons.





CLB 9分回答 


I think that the nuclear family should be prioritized, and the extended family needs to be marginalized because living with extended family can engender several issues.


The most important conflict arises in bringing up children. Children need to experience a unified system of upbringing. Even in a nuclear family where only parents and kids live together, the father is supposed to help the informed mother in upbringing, and not to apply his style. So, in extended families where grandparents live with parents and kids, they usually like to teach children in their way especially because they think they’re more experienced and they think they’ll do a better job than the parents.


Another thing is, grandparents usually are more flexible with their grandchildren’s requests. In other words, they kind of pamper their grandchildren, so they might get spoiled. Besides, children find grandparents as a shield to shirk their responsibilities or indulging themselves in fun activities. For example, they might avoid doing their homework or play a lot of computer games just because they know their grandparents would stand on their side to justify their wrongdoings.


Lastly, in a house where grandparents live with parents and kids, more people come to visit and make acquaintances, so the house would be noisy and crowded. This, in turn, might upset the children’s concentration and adversely affect their educational performance.


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