今天,我们就来讲解一道Grade 8 数学的经典例题。
Exponents are written in the form: , where a is the base and b is the exponent. The exponent indicates how many times to use the base in multiplication.
For example;
This says to use 5 multiplied by itself twice so,
Here are some other properties of exponents to be aware of:
> Any number to the exponent of 1 is equal to itself,
> Any number to the exponent of 0 is equal to 1,
But what about negative exponents? Negative exponents are equal to the reciprocal of the same base to the positive exponent:
For example;
This is equal to
There are some cool interactions between exponents of the same base when they are multiplied or used in division! Some exponent laws can be derived from these interactions. Let's try:
This is equal to:
(Note how the exponents add up to 6)
We can express this interaction as a law:
This is equal to
(Note 4 - 2 = 2, the answer exponent)
The law for dividing exponents is:
So where do exponents fit in the order of operations? An acronym to remember is BEDMAS:
[B]rackets, [E]xponents, [D]ivision and [M]ultiplication, [A]ddition and [S]ubtraction.
This is the order of operations of mathematics.
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