Forbest Academy

免费资源 > 八年级数学:共同乘积


2019-11-06 免费资源 阅读




今天,我们就来讲解几道Grade 8 数学的经典例题。



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Below is a sample question for a Grade 8 student. This question is particularly challenging - a student with the typical ability for their grade may not necessarily be able to solve it.



This question requires the student to think critically. It is more of a challenge problem than a typical Grade 8 math problem.


The student needs to be able to see the “trick” or “key” that enables them to do this problem.


It is obvious that if the student were to multiply all the terms out, it would take too long and is incredibly difficult.


The student should realize that starting with the second numerator and denominator, each adjacent pair is equal. Thus, the student can cancel out adjacent numerators and denominators.


The resulting expression is:

 Which is equal to:

This is not a traditional question where the main task is to hard-compute the answer. The student may either find it incredibly easy, provided that they see the “trick”, or extremely challenging.




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